Risk rating
Abusive or aggressive behaviour

On 26.08.14 at approximately 14:00 hrs CW RAP attended the IJUW lodge, room [REDACTED] and spoke with [REDACTED 1] and [REDACTED 2]. During the conversation about [REDACTED 1]’s school [REDACTED 2] said last week a boy put [REDACTED 2]’s head in a door and hit [REDACTED 1]i’s head with the door. CW RAP[REDACTED 3] asked who was the boy that did this to [REDACTED 2]? [REDACTED 2] said [REDACTED 4]), son of [REDACTED 5] did this to [REDACTED 2]. [REDACTED 3] asked what happened? [REDACTED 2] said last Thursday (21.08.2014) or Friday (22.08.2014)[REDACTED 1] came home from school and said, A boy put her head between the door and put the door on her head.” CW [REDACTED 3] asked [REDACTED 2] and [REDACTED 1] if [REDACTED 1] was hurt. [REDACTED 2] said “”On the right side of her head above her ear

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