WM [REDACTED] 1 attended Area 9 ith LC [REDACTED] 2 and Wilsons Officers [REDACTED] 3, [REDACTED] 4, [REDACTED] 5, [REDACTED] 6 to deliver messaging to families with children 4+ about moving areas. After discussing the issue with [REDACTED] 7, [REDACTED] 1 was approached by a screaming woman [REDACTED] 8 and her husband [REDACTED] 9. [REDACTED] 8 was screaming about rusks not being baby food and proceeded to throw rusks with force on the table at which [REDACTED] 1 was sitting. [REDACTED] 9 got involved and screamed and yelled in [REDACTED] and English that their children were not receiving appropriate food. [REDACTED] 9 settled down after a while and explained their children won’t eat in the mess and are starving and SCA should be providing food for their children, rice and milk in area9. [REDACTED] 1 reiterated that food cannot be taken fom the mess, but each time a reason was given [REDACTED] 9 escalated and raised his voice. A crowd gathered and it was decided to disperse the area. [REDACTED] 10 proceeded to approach the group screaming and swearing in Farsi at the stakeholders present which [REDACTED] 3 explained was about the recent TB scare, and demands on IHMS to come and visit area9 for explanations. [REDACTED] 10 continued to call everybody MotherFuckers”. [REDACTED] made vague threats that if they were moved “”something bad will happen””.”””
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