CHN [REDACTED 1] was giving a toddler food pack to [REDACTED 2] IN TENT [REDACTED] Area9 (accompanied by a Wilsons Security Officer). [REDACTED 3] came out of his room and demanded his child have food delivered as the food in the Mess was no good and his child would not eat it. I explained the food I had was for children under 2 yrs old. [REDACTED 3] raised his voice and started jabbing his index finger in my direction telling me it was my job to get his child food and write letters to the mess and DIBP saying the same. I was attempting to give [REDACTED 2] information and asked [REDACTED 3] to wait until I had finished what I was doing. I then tols [REDACTED 3] if he insisted on yelling at me there would be no more conversation, [REDACTED 3] continued to yell and jab his finger in my direction. I informed [REDACTED 3] that the conversation was over and I was leaving. [REDACTED 3] yelled at me saying it was my job to fix the problem and I needed to write to DIBP today. I replied that it was not my job and he could submit a complaint form. I again said this conversation is over and I left the tent.
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