Risk rating

CSPW was talking with [REDACTED] 1 when she told me her daughter [REDACTED] 2 had hit her head when she slipped in the shower on 23/11/14. [REDACTED] 1 was very concerned with the safety of the showers in area1 as there are no mats and people hold onto the bars overhead to get in and out of the showers. [REDACTED] 1 asked me to have a look at one particular shower. I observed the bar above the shower in had come loose in block 61 on the far left hand side of the shower block. This is a safety concern. [REDACTED] 1 also tols me there was an incident on 20/11/14 involving her giving cigarettes to a local security guard at the Ron Hospital. [REDACTED] 1 said the security officers took her bach to RPC3 and her daughter did not have her medical appointment and was told by security she could not attend school. [REDACTED] 1 said later that day security officers went to her tent and asked her to sign something that she could not read and did not understand. she said she would like an interpreter of CM present. [REDACTED] 1 woulk like some clarification as to what she was asked to sign

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