I spoke with [REDACTED] in area 9 on the 7th September 2014. [REDACTED] told me that he is concerned with his neighbours *illegible* tent [REDACTED] , as they have a small child who he says he hears the parents slapping all the time. [REDACTED] also that in area 9 there is a lot physical violence at night towards the wives and children in area 9. [REDACTED] told me he has told many people including security and nothing has been done about it. I asked [REDACTED] if he could tell me the ID numbers of the people involved and he said he did not want to as he did not want them to know he was saying anything. I asked [REDACTED] if he could give me more specific information in relation to this and he said he hears his neighbours slapping their child all the time and this is affecting his family.
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