At 1220 hrs Comd 4 recceived a call from [REDACTED] 1 at NSS on an escort asking if meals for children had arrived yet. At around the same time, control received a call from [REDACTED] 2 at NC asking the same thing. Control contacted SCA for an ETA on the meals and was told they were on their way. at 1305 [REDACTED] 3 contacted both locations to see if meals had arrived. Both said they had not. Control Operator [REDACTED] 4 contacted SCA at 1325 and was told they were being fed as they speak. 1328 [REDACTED] 3 contacted both locations for an update, both responded that no meals yet. Both locations were contacted again at 1345 and both locations had not been fed. Children had returned to class without lunch. [REDACTED] 3 contacted Control again and instructed [REDACTED] 4 to contact SCA again to try to get something sorted out.[REDACTED] 3 tried to contact SCA manager by phone several times. At 1355 Control contacted [REDACTED] 3 and explained the meals were on their way. 1415 Nauru College reports meals delivered; 1420 NSS reported meals delivered.
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