Risk rating
Concern for minor

[REDACTED] 1 (Nauruan Scout Leader) asked Child rec worker [REDACTED] 2 if she had a camera for photos as children were receiving their scarves. [REDACTED] 2 stated she had no camera and would need permission to take photos of children. The ceremony started and [REDACTED] 3 9adult rec worker0 handed [REDACTED] 2 a camera. [REDACTED] 2 gave camera back to [REDACTED] 3 and stated permission is needed and she cannot take photos. [REDACTED] 2 observed [REDACTED] 3 took photos of the ceremony. Security witnessed this. . Security called control who would contact immigration. . [REDACTED] 2 called [REDACTED] 4 (senior child rec worker0. [REDACTED] did not want to delete photos when security asked. Security then took his simcard.

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