[REDACTED] informed [REDACTED] that she was suicidal”””
SCA14.0146,3/30/14,,Unknown,Fighting,Fighting,Unclassified,A physical altercation between [REDACTED 1] and [REDACTED 2] at the gym
SCA14.0147,3/30/14,,Unknown,Fighting,Fighting,Major,A physical altercation between [REDACTED 1] and [REDACTED 2] at the gym
SCA14.0148,3/30/14,,Unknown,Fighting,Fighting,Unclassified,A physical altercation between [REDACTED 1] and [REDACTED 2] at the gym
SCA14.0149,3/30/14,,Unknown,Complaint,Complaint,Minor,Poor behaviour of a Wilsons Guard towards male clients [REDACTED 1] & [REDACTED 2]
SCA14.1026,3/30/14,,Unknown,Fighting,Fighting,Unclassified,A physical altercation between [REDACTED 1] and [REDACTED 2] at the gym
SCA14.0150,3/31/14,,Unknown,Concern for minor,Concern for minor raised,Information,Children raising concerns about client [REDACTED] aggressive behaviour in camp
SCA14.0151,3/31/14,,Unknown,Misbehaviour,,Unclassified,At 0910 while doing duties at Gate 3 Alpha a person in a [REDACTED] sedan approached check point heading off-site. This person had to wait while other vehicles were entering through checkpoint
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