Risk rating
Actual self-harm

SCA CM met with [REDACTED 1] to conduct a welfare check at approx 11am – [REDACTED 1] disclosed to SCA CM [REDACTED 2] that she had take then entire contents of her monthly family planning pill. SCA CM [REDACTED 2] asked her what time she took the pills, [REDACTED 1] said that she couldn’t remember the time. She informed SCA CM that she had no physical issues. And also that she had taken the pills yesterday the 21/2/2014. She stated that she could not remember the time. SCA CM asked [REDACTED 1] if anyone had been with her or she had disclosed to anyone else. She informed SCA CM that her friend was with her in the tent when she took the pills. Despite prompting from SCA CM she would not discolose who the friend was.

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