Female parent [REDACTED] was spoken to by CSO regarding why she wasn’t eating. [REDACTED] reported that she is scared and afraid claiming that other adults were acting in a threatening and intimidating manner. When asked who was behaving this way she replied all of them”””
SCA.13.09.21,9/21/13,,Unknown,Accident or injury,Injury,Unclassified,Child [REDACTED] bitten by dog while attending excursion
SCA.13.09.23,9/23/13,,Unknown,Accident or injury,Injury,Unclassified,Two men within RPC3 took a chair from a teenage girl [REDACTED] A struggle ensued over the chair and this caused a small abrahsion to the teenagers finger.
SCA.13.09.26,9/26/13,,Unknown,Fighting,Physical Violence,Unclassified,It was alleged by male parent [REDACTED] 1 that an adult male asylum seeker had hit his daughter [REDACTED] 2 while she was playing. The child was allegedly slapped her across the face.
SCA.13.10.02,10/2/13,,Unknown,Fighting,Physical Violence,Unclassified,Information was received by Wilsons Security by an anonymous source that they hear a mother [REDACTED] 1 hitting her [REDACTED] year old daughter [REDACTED] 2 in the room at night when security isnt around.
SCA.13.10.03,10/3/13,,Unknown,Concern for minor,Concern for minor raised,Unclassified,[REDACTED] – transferee claimed to be a minor. Transferee has been moved to SAA pending investigation form DIBP
SCA.13.10.08,10/8/13,,Unknown,Accident or injury,Injury,Unclassified,Whilst on duty at F4 on 09/10/2013 at 15:30 hours [REDACTED] 1 (female) informed Wilsons that her daughter
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