At 1855 SCA [REDACTED 1] was waiting for [REDACTED 2] to return from the mess. As [REDACTED 2] walked through the gate, [REDACTED 1] in a friendly manner softly kicked him up the bum and said let’s go in Farsi. While preceding to the UAM compound, [REDACTED 1] patted UAM [REDACTED 2] on the back and then [REDACTED 2] picked [REDACTED 1] up off the ground in a friendly manner while laughing. Wilson Security [REDACTED 3] witnessed these events. At 17.10, [REDACTED 1] asked [REDACTED 2] to attend a general discussion with an interpreter but he refused. [REDACTED 2] saw the case that [REDACTED 1] had documented and [REDACTED] immediately escalated in behaviour while continuing to state don’t write about me I thought we were friends. UAM [REDACTED 2] stated that due to [REDACTED 1] writing case notes about him, he would file a complaint about walking back from the mess. [REDACTED 2] completed a transfield request/complaint form which he submitted into the box in the rec tent.
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