Risk rating

In a meeting with [REDACTED 1] informed CSPW [REDACTED 2] that on the previous day (20/2/2014) her bag had gone missing from the guym at OPC1. [REDACTED 1] advised that she told TSA worker on duty that her bag had gone missing with the TSA worker stating that they didn’t know anything about it. When [REDACTED 1] said that one of the items in her bag was a writing pad the worker took a pad from the table that [REDACTED 1] knew to belong to another person living in the camp, pulled out the pages that had writing on it and gave it to her. [REDACTED 1] is concerned that no one will follow up with her lost property or that it might be handed out to other people. The bag was a green reusable bag and contained her MP3 charger, some make-up items and her writing pad. [REDACTED 1] was not completely sure of the worker’s name but believes it was [REDACTED 3]” and that he is a local worker

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